
Diana Perynska

Family status: single, no children. Place of residence: Baindt, Germany. Can speak fluently in Ukrainian, Russian and advanced English. I enjoy painting, dancing and doing sport. Althogh my English is good, I still learn it ( I don`t know all the words rules of speech in my mother tongue, what can I say about the foreign one...) But I can also get by in German, Spanish and Polish languages. By and large, I adore living an active life, communicating with different people, developing my creativity, organizing processes and people in these processes and lerning about stuff that interests me.


  1. Weaving nets for the military

    28/02/2022 – 20/03/2022 Ukraine, Lviv

  2. Making billets for screwing thermal accumulators

    20/03/2022 – 30/04/2022 Ukraine, Lviv

Work experience

Children trainer Camp

June 2019 | Ukraine

  • Team organisation
  • Conflicts solving
  • Taking care of children

English teacher Freelance

September 2019 - May 2020 | Ukraine

  • Language teaching
  • Help with homework
  • Rules explaining

Marketing manager Freelance

September 2020 - May 2021 | Ukraine

  • Making good visual appearance of an Instagram profile
  • Answering clients
  • Making stories


Ukrainian Catholic University


September 2021- May 2022 | Ukraine